
Awards & Courses

All of our awards are fully focused on testing out your policies, but more importantly, we look at how the application of your policies impacts the lives of the people you work with.

We talk to all your stakeholders to test out their knowledge, how they feel about the provision and what could be better. All our auditors are regularly updated, fully trained and exceptionally experienced in each award topic.

To gain a Platinum award, you will have only a very few minor recommendations. For a Gold award, you may have several recommendations but none that need a significant cultural change.

All our reports will clearly identify what needs to be achieved to take the next steps.

Excellence in Safeguarding Award

This thorough audit is for any organisation that is responsible for children, young people, students or vulnerable adults.

We look across 24 different aspects of safeguarding, review polices and websites and test out the impact of your work.

Suitable for:

  • Secondary Schools

  • Special Schools

  • Learning Centers

  • Primary Schools

  • Early Years Settings

  • Small Schools

What to expect:

Full day audit on site and detailed report with key strengths and recommendations.

Kalpesh Savjani

Investment Director at Amber Infrastructure Limited

Incyte has helped us review our company policies and protocols in relation to Safeguarding of Children in our educational portfolio across England. They identified a number of practical changes which our company and supply chain have implemented. They provide training to ensure our team is kept up to date with recent changes to guidance and advice. The course contains great materials, useful activities. Delegates will really value the opportunity for this kind of discussion.

Excellence in Wellbeing and Mental Health

An in-depth audit that will give you the confidence that your provision has been accurately evaluated and has an action plan to take you forward.

Suitable for:

  • Secondary Schools

  • Special Schools

  • Learning Centers

  • Primary Schools

  • Early Years Settings

What to expect:

Full-day audit of how the school/organisation is aware and makes provision for pupils’ and staff's well-being and mental health. It looks at the impact of your work. Detailed report with key strengths and recommendations.

David Hopley

Stoke on Trent College

 We have enjoyed working with Incyte International to achieve this prestigious Excellence in Safeguarding Award. We are proud to have achieved the highest award which demonstrates our innovative practice and the positive difference we make to the experience of our learners during their time with us.

Excellence in Use of Pupil Premium Grant Award

An in-depth audit that will give you the confidence that your provision has been accurately evaluated and has an action plan to take you forward.

Suitable for:

  • Secondary Schools

  • Primary Schools

What to expect:

An in-depth audit that will give you the confidence that your provision is accurately evaluated and has an action plan to take it forwards

Online Interactive Training:

Peer-on-Peer Abuse and Sexual Harassment

The report from Ofsted, after their investigations and changes to the inspection schedule, and KCSIE’s specific guidance, draw our attention to Peer-on-Peer Abuse and Sexual Harassment in schools and colleges, in a way that they have never done before.

What to expect:

This very specific training will look at:

  • Definitions and identification

  • Current attitudes

  • How bullying can move to abuse and then to harassment

  • How we respond

  • The wider response