Safeguard | Prevent | Protect
Welcome to Incyte International’s Safeguarding page dedicated to showcasing our services and success in providing high-quality specialist support to schools, charities and facilities management companies. We offer certificated training for teachers, whole staff, DSLs, and Safeguarding Teams online, virtually and face-to-face.
We provide a range of support and training opportunities for any organisation that has direct contact with young people around the world.
We are the sole provider of the ‘Excellence in Safeguarding Award’ which focuses on processes, but more importantly on impact and outcomes.
Our expert training and consultancy services have child protection at their heart.
All of our support refers to national statutory regulations. For example, through:
Keeping Children Safe in Education (KCSIE)
Getting It Right For Every Child (GIRFEC)
We guide you to ensure your processes and procedures are of high quality and secure the best outcomes for your children.
Our team of safeguarding experts are all education professionals, former headteachers, DSLs, Ofsted inspectors and HMI.
We keep all our team up to date with the changing legislation and guidance, for example, Keeping Children Safe in Education, enabling us to adapt our approach to meet your needs and the needs of your children, parents and carers.
Services include audits, support, training and consultancy across the UK and worldwide.
Incyte Experts
Gary Dockrell – Asset Manager
“The training session was well-organized, focused and clear. Materials were provided in advance – I thought the County Lines video was really informative. The use of the breakout rooms for discussion was a good idea, especially as the trainer now knows many more of us and was able to assign the groups such that newcomers were paired with more experienced colleagues.